El gran Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer


El escritor compulsivo soy yo, Alberto Bellido y este es un blog dedicado a mi mayor afición, a mi mayor pasión: El cine, el séptimo arte.

En el blog los visitantes podrán leer y comentar diversos artículos así como guiones de todos los géneros redactados por mí y sus memorias de realización, es decir, las diferentes intenciones que me guiaron en el momento de crear cada historia.

Espero que todos disfrutéis con mi blog.

Un afectuoso saludo.

martes, 31 de mayo de 2011


Un frío día de invierno, un policía transitaba lenta y pausadamente por la famosa Quinta Avenida de Nueva York. Era muy temprano, concretamente las seis de la mañana, y la cantidad de transeúntes con los que se cruzaba era muy escaso. Se llamaba Robert y no temía a nada ni a nadie, si acaso únicamente a la muerte. Tenía cuarenta años y ya había sido suficientemente castigado por la vida. Era viudo y desde que su mujer murió, hace diez años, no había vuelto a tener otra relación duradera. Más bien, al contrario, las que había mantenido fueron esporádicas. Y lo peor era que ninguna había estado a la altura de sus expectativas.
Robert entró en la comisaría saludando con leves inclinaciones de cabeza a los que hasta no hace mucho tiempo atrás eran sus compañeros. Todos lo conocían y lo respetaban en grado sumo, pues había ejercido su profesión durante veinte largos años. Era, pues, uno de los miembros más veterano, a la par que cualificado, de la policía local. Sin embargo, en el instante en el que estaba cruzando de extremo a extremo la comisaría, algo extraño estaba sucediendo ya que un policía de unos cincuenta años se puso a dar instrucciones para que todos abandonarán el lugar..
El rostro de Robert era duro como el granito y frío como el mármol. Su vida había sido excesivamente gris y anodina desde que hace un año y, por culpa de un inexplicable e imperdonable error, confundió a un inocente con un sádico asesino en serie. Formaba parte de la brigada de homicidios y aquel desdichado suceso fue el desencadenante de su particular descenso a los infiernos. Fue, en primer lugar, degradado por su superior y, después, suspendido de empleo y sueldo de forma indefinida. Robert no tuvo otra salida que vivir durante aquel nefasto año de las rentas acumuladas. La reciente llamada de su jefe había sido vital para él, pues podía significar un nuevo comienzo, el renacer de sus esperanzas y sus ilusiones, y una oportunidad única para su redención.
El jefe de Robert, en unas pocas frases, le puso a éste al corriente del motivo por el que lo necesitaba. Todos los efectivos con los que contaba habían sido movilizados para practicar una redada en los suburbios de la ciudad contra una banda de mafiosos italianos. La detención de varios de sus integrantes en una operación antidroga anterior y la confesión de uno de ellos, había puesto a la policía neoyorquina sobre la pista de los cabecillas de la organización.
Robert, por su parte, debía ir al Bronx y detener a unos traficantes latinos muy peligrosos que durante la noche habín entrado en un piso y habían tomado como rehenes a la familia que vivía en el mismo. Al parecer, bajo los efectos de la droga, aquellos delincuentes habían decidido retener a la desafortunada familia y pedir a cambio de su rescate la apreciable cifra de un millón de dólares. Y a esos mismos traficantes no se les ha ocurrido otra cosa que llamar a la comisaría de policía donde Robert había estado destinado durante toda su vida.
Robert debía ir allí y limitarse a tranquilizarles. Su jefe se comprometió a enviarle refuerzos cuando pudiera. Asimismo, le anuncia que su excompañera Allison le está esperando en el garaje para acompañarle en la misión.
Robert abandonó el despacho y camina por el pasillo hasta llegar a un ascensor. Entró en el mismo y le dió al botón de la planta baja. Allison era su antigua compañera de peripecias y aventuras. Tenía la mañana libre, pero el jefe se había comprometido a otorgarle una retribución extra por ejercer, nuevamente, de compañera de Robert. Era una mujer de treinta y cinco años que poseía un gran atractivo físico. Gracias a sus loables atributos había llegado a tener varios amantes. Pero, para su desgracia, todos ellos fueron hombres sin escrúpulos que la dejaron plantada cuando más los necesitaba. Allison estaba muy feliz por volver a reencontrarse con Robert. Por el contrario, Robert se sintió repentinamente apesadumbrado, presa de un pesimismo notorio. Le dijo a Allison que para él aquella misión era como un oasis en el desierto, pues estaba convencido de que significaría su canto del cisne como policía. Le aseguro que cuando el día terminará, con total certeza, volvería a estar condenado al ostracismo. Allison replicó que le daba igual y que, para ella, el hecho de estar con él, aunque sólo sea por espacio de una hora, significa un premio de incalculable valor. Robert volvió a contestarle que se equivocaba y que, al fin y al cabo, él era un policía normal y corriente, nada del otro mundo. Eso sí, marcado por el transcurrir inexorable de los años.
Inesperadamente, Robert pareció volver a dar muestras de un cambio en su estado de ánimo cuando le transmitió a Allison que debía demostrar su valía en aquella misión, para dejar constancia de su categoría como policía y devoto de su oficio.
Allison cambió de tercio y le preguntó cuál sería el coche que utilizarían para desplazarse hasta el Bronx. Robert no tardo en inclinarse por su tartana favorita, un destartalado Ford, y eso que también tenían disponible un flamante Mercedes Clase E. Pero aquel impresionante vehículo poco podía hacer frente a la nostalgia de un viejo sabueso, pensaba Robert..
Robert y Allison llegaron al edificio del Bronx cuya dirección les había facilitado su jefe en una nota. Debían subir al tercer piso. De repente, cuando ya transitaban por éste, oyeron unos disparos procedentes de la última puerta al fondo del pasillo, a la derecha. Los dos se precipitaron ágil y sigilosamente hacia allí, pero quedaron paralizados cuando la puerta se abrió violentamente. La voz agitada de un hispano se impuso, rompiendo abruptamente el silencio que había reinado en la planta hasta entonces. Las respectivas figuras de un hispano y un anciano de ochenta años salieron al exterior, y el primero le propinó una patada al segundo, que cayo al suelo desangrándose. El hispano, que aún no había visto a la pareja de policías que se acercaban, maldijo a todos los agentes del orden, pues le habían prometido que enviarían a alguien con el dinero que habían exigido en una hora como máximo, y todavía no había aparecido nadie por allí. Finalmente, se volvió a meter en el piso. Entonces, se oyeron más disparos procedentes del interior del piso y Allison, más entrenada que Robert, llegó antes que su compañero al umbral de la puerta, justo antes de que el hispano se dispusiera de nuevo a cerrarla. La compañera de Robert, vencida por la rabia de contemplar a un cadáver ante sus pies, se puso a disparar hacia el interior del piso con una furia desconocida y descontrolada, pero fue alcanzada por un disparo y Robert, lamentablemente, llegó tarde y no pudo hacer nada por evitarlo. El hispano volvió a salir del piso, y creyendo que está muerta, le dió una patada a Allison, reprobándole, como si todavía estuviera viva, que hubiera matado a todos sus compañeros. En ese momento, oyó el sonido del percutor de una pistola. Robert le estaba apuntando y el traficante rápidamente alzó su revolver también. El hispano lanzó a su contrincante una mirada desafiante, dándole a entender que está confiado en que acabaría con él, pero no contaba con las irrefrenables ansias de venganza del curtido policía. Transcurrieron unos instantes de tensa espera, el duelo final estaba servido y su desenlace no se hizo esperar. El fuego cruzado alcanzó a los dos, pero Robert, que había tenido mejor puntería provocó a su rival una herida mortal. Aún así, el policía también había salido herido. El hispano le había ocasionado heridas en el brazo izquierdo y la pierna derecha. Robert se aproximó, renqueante, a los cadáveres de Allison y el hispano, pero su sorpresa fue mayúscula cuando su compañera, todavía con vida, le miró e intentó, con denodados esfuerzos, reincorporarse. Robert se resistía a creerlo pero su compañera continuaba con vida. Ambos oyeron de fondo el ruido de las sirenas de varios coches patrulla. Robert le rogó que, por su bien, no hiciera más esfuerzos, pues pronto llegaría una ambulancia y sería trasladada hasta cómoda cama de un hospital, donde indudablemente, se recuperaría. Allison le miró con una triste sonrisa y le contestó que eso no sucedería y que pronto estaría transitando hacia la otra vida, y esperaba que su destino fuera el cielo, pues pensaba que no había sido tan mala como para acabar en el infierno. Robert le suplico que continuará hablando y afirmó, de forma tajante, que ella no iba a morir. Allison hizo un nuevo esfuerzo por incorporarse y hablar por última vez con Robert. La moribunda le pidió que antes de descansar en paz le respondiera a una pregunta que desde que le conoció le había corroído las entrañas por no tener la respuesta, y ésta no era otra que si en todo aquel tiempo había albergado algún sentimiento de amor hacia ella. Robert se quedó perplejo pero después respondió si vacilación alguna. Su respuesta fue afirmativa. El rostro de Allison fue todavía capaz de dibujar una amplia sonrisa y le rogó a Robert que diera un abrazo y la besara muy fuerte. Finalmente, cuando ella expiró, Robert lanzó al aire un grito desgarrador. A continuación, y antes de que al lugar de los hechos lleguen los refuerzos policiales,  se dijo a sí mismo que aquella había sido la segunda mujer a la que había amado en su vida y que no había podido quererla como se merecía por haber estado con la primera. ¡Maldita paradoja!, exclamó. Sabía perfectamente que no iba a surgir una tercera que le pudiera aliviar su dolor por la nueva perdida. Había vivido ya lo suficiente y no pensaba hacerlo más. Así que  decididió sumergirse ya en el sueño eterno, un sueño en el que, a su juicio, tenía que haber entrado antes. Por lo que, sin pensárselo dos veces, se descerrajó un tiro en la sien. El frustrado policía quedó tendido al lado de Allison. Ahora sí que ya nadie les podría separar, pues seguirán estando juntos, unidos para toda la eternidad.

Memoria de Realización del Poema "Sobre Drácula de Bram Stoker".

Poema escrito y dedicado a la inolvidable última versión del memorable personaje literario creado por la mente del escritor irlandés y que fue dirigida por Francis Ford Coppola.

Memoria de Realización del Poema "Sobre Apocalypse Now".

Poema escrito y dedicado a la mítica película bélica dirigida por Francis Ford Coppola sobre la guerra de Vietnam y las icónicas figuras de sus personajes protagonistas: El Capitán Willard y el Coronel Kurtz.

Memoria de Realización de la Poesía "Sobre las tarde lluviosas de Septiembre".

Poesía escrita durante este mes que marca el fin del Verano y el comienzo del Otoño y que suele estar marcada por las lluvias y la caída de las hojas de los árboles.

Memoria de Realización de la Poesía "Sobre el romanticismo en los parques y las noches de botellón".

Poesía dedicada a las alucinaciones producidas por las adicciones en los bancos de los parques y bajo la sombra de sus árboles.

Memoria de Realización de la Poesía "Sobre el aislamiento de las personas en los Núcleos Urbanos y la soledad del Artista".

Poesía dedicada a las personas que se sienten solas y marginadas en las ciudades y grandes urbes, haciendo especial hincapié en los Artistas de todo tipo y condición.

Memoria de Realización del Poema "Al Bar La Amistad de Aldearrubia".

Poema dedicado a un Bar de mi pueblo, en el que describo de forma humorística a los clientes más emblemáticos y destacados de este Establecimiento Hostelero.

Memoria de Realización de la Poesía "Al Bakalao y al Rock".

Es una Poesía dedicada a estos dos estilos musicales, en los que muestro mi preferencia por el Rock y por sus Grupos.

Memoria de Realización de la Poesía "A mi primo Javier".

Esta es una Poesía dedicada a mi primo Javier, además de familiar y pariente, íntimo amigo durante mi infancia y adolescencia, que falleció en un accidente de tráfico.

Memoria de Realización de la Poesía "A los fenómenos mediáticos".

Es una Poesía que redacté cuando estaba en pleno auge la denominada "telebasura". Cuando una serie de programas y "realities", (es decir, programas de telerrealidad), que pretenden explotar hasta la nausea las interioridades de los famosos y de los aspirantes a famosos.

Memoria de Realización de la Poesía "A Londres".

Escribí esta Poesía dedicada a esta ciudad porque en ella estuve trabajando durante un verano y que tanto me impresiono en todos los sentidos.

lunes, 30 de mayo de 2011

Literary script: Robert, a big apple police.

Fade to Black Opening.
Black text on: "Robert, a policeman from the Big Apple."
Filming in Black and White.
Robert is a New York cop who travels in a slow and quiet at one of the city streets next to the famous Fifth Avenue. However, his step is firm and secure. It is very early, six o'clock precisely, and the few passers-by who crosses are ROBERT revelers who have not yet returned to their homes.ROBERT is a cop who fears nothing and nobody, not even death itself. He is forty years and has been sufficiently punished for life. He is a widower, and since his wife died ten years ago, has not returned to have a lasting relationship, as all have been sporadic, and they have not lived up to their expectations. Furthermore, to make matters worse, a year ago was inexcusable and inexplicable error to confuse the innocent with a cruel and ruthless serial murderer. Was then part of the homicide squad and that event was the trigger for your particular descent into hell. He was demoted and suspended without pay indefinitely.After a year, lives of the income accumulated over the years. Now the call from his boss can mean a new beginning.
SCENE 2. Police Commissioner. NEW YORK.INT. DAY.
ROBERT enters the station waving slight inclination of her face all the cops with whom you are. All know him and respect him in the extreme.Spent twenty years practicing his craft and is one of the most experienced and qualified members of the police station. Robert goes to the office of his boss, he has raised, even at dawn, at five, because I had to make an urgent request.Something strange happened this morning.Another of the most senior police is launching a speech to a group of younger officers. ROBERT soon realizes that they are planning a major raid.
CHIEF ROBERT, nervous, is taking small trips back and forth from his office. When Robert enters the office, your boss looks at you and speaks to him very seriously.
CHIEF ROBERTI have to entrust a mission, Robert. I hope for your sake that I did not fail. Should have no illusions. I called him because he had no one available. All the police officers will conduct a major raid against Italian gangsters who landed a few months ago in New York. You have to go to the Bronx and arresting dangerous smugglers. It seems that the shit that tonight we have taken has affected so much that they have kidnapped a family and have called us asking for a ransom of one million dollars. Its mission is to go there and try to reassure them. And I will send reinforcements when we finish with the raids. He accompanied his girlfriend Allison. Hurry, move! He is waiting in the garage!ROBERTUnderstood, boss, do not worry. I've been down time but will abide by the mission as best you can.
SCENE 4. GARAGE. Police Commissioner. NEW YORK. INT. DAY.
ROBERT, after passing the police station, down the elevator to the garage. There, leaning against a pillar, smoking a cigar, is waiting for Allison, his former patrol partner. ALLISON fought that morning, but the boss has called and promised an extra fee to accompany ROBERT. It is a thirty-five years, possesses a great physical attractiveness.And thanks to its beauty, has had several lovers.Unscrupulous men who left planted when most needed. Allison's face lights up when she sees Robert out of the lift.
ALLISONRobert! What's New, old scoundrel! It's amazing! I do not believe what I just said the head of that bastard going to go back to being my shadow!
ROBERT(Pessimistic)I do not think this happens to be exceptional, Allison. I am sure that is my swan song. Then I call back the remainder of life. A year ago my shit was too strong.
ALLISON(Excited)I know, Robert, but I want you to know that for me the fact of being a single hour with you is the best thing that could have happened this year. The new assigned to me I do not like. It is a real hillbilly.
Robert can not help but smile at the sincerity expressed by ALLISON and it does the same. But ROBERT contains bitter smile, while Allie is disinterested.
ALLISONWhat? What I want to say to that, Robert? What?
ROBERTBah, Allison! I think you exaggerate! I'm no better than other police. Well, we, us prove our worth!
ALLISONWhat kind of car we take, Robert? The boss told me to relocate the last of the row that Mercedes E Class
ROBERT seen the car that indicated ALLISON and then pleasantly surprised, the car is so often used in the past both in their long hours on patrol in the city. Finally, opts for the latter.
ROBERTNo! I am not convinced, Allison! I prefer our trap.You know, the number one police department in New York.
Allison nods with a smile and they get into the old Ford that you still love Robert so much. And he you floor the accelerator, quickly leaving the garage.
ALLISON ROBERT and enter the building in which, according to his boss, have withdrawn the drug ring Hispanics. And up to the third floor, where the family held hostage. Upon arrival at the plant suddenly heard gunshots coming from the door that is located at the bottom right, and the two rush fast but silently toward it. However, they are paralyzed when they see that the door is opened violently. The excited voice of a Hispanic is imposed, while pushing a middle-aged man, the father of the family, that shoots the floor hitting the opposite wall of the hallway. The hostage falls to the ground bleeding, a symptom that has been subjected to various tortures.
HISPANIC(Angry)Damn! These cops are a Birdbrain, a fucking güeys! I told them I will call to confirm that they saw the money and have not yet done! This shit is over!My patience is over! And these bourgeoise're going to pay!
Then, immediately afterwards, they heard more shots from inside the apartment. ALLISON, ROBERT more trained you, come before it to the threshold of the door, overcome with rage at what he sees, takes out his gun and starts shooting with uncontrolled fury and unknown to Robert, he can not do anything stop.
ROBERT(Desperate)No, Allison, no! For the love of God! Get thee hence!
But it's too late for Allison, because while he says these petitions, it falls upon the soil for a download merciless.
ROBERT(Grief)Allison, no! Allison! Damn bastards! I will kill you all!
ROBERT looks for a moment into the floor. Both the family and the kidnappers abducted are dead, but I just HISPANO with the Father and ALLISON you are aiming his gun.
HISPANICHey, poly Birdbrain! Do not worry so much! Also end of you! Soon you'll be with your pretty friend!
ROBERT(Indignant)Bastards! You will not kill anyone else!
Both fired at once and reached the crossfire of the two protagonists. But Robert has the best aim and causes a fatal wound to his adversary, while he has only a superficial wound on his right arm.ROBERT, ailing, and unable to hold back the tears as it approaches the body of his companion, in many cases, ALLISON. And get a surprise when he sees her case is difficult to move, breathe and try to talk.
ROBERT(Excited)Allison! You're alive! This is a miracle! A blessed miracle!
ALLISON(Dying, in a feeble voice)Yes, but not for long, Robert. Come, kneel. I want to make a confession.
ROBERT(Hopeful)Yes, of course, do not worry. Sure you're going to recover. Now call a hospital.
ROBERT, such as directed ALLISON, kneels.
ALLISONNo, this is not true, Robert. I do not have much time.
ROBERT ALLISON ignoring, pick up your phone and call the hospital, requesting the presence of an ambulance at the scene and facilitating the location of the building where they are. Then, return to focus on Allison.
ROBERTI have called a hospital. Do not worry, Allison, you'll soon be in a comfortable bed, and this RECOVERING only have been a bad dream.
ALLISONNo, it's too late, Robert. But I have to tell you something important. Ever since I know you've been in love with you. Always, even when living your wife! I wanted to tell someday, but now I'm dying, I can do it alone, leaving nothing outstanding.
ALLISON stop talking and it seems that her fainting and going to be definitive, but Robert, in a desperate attempt to revive the shakes.
ROBERT(Supplicant)Allison! Allison, please! Do not go!AND ALLISON, before the end, made one last question to Robert.ALLISON(Curious)Tell me, Robert. Answer me: You want me? "I've wanted?ROBERT(Weeping)Yes, Allison, of course. I've always loved and I've been in love with you, but I could not betray my wife. Do you understand, right?
ALLISON(Happy)Wow, this really is that good! I never imagined an end like this! Kiss, Robert. Do, please! I feel I ,..., Goodbye, Robert, goodbye! Farewell!ROBERT, very excited, and unable to utter a word, comply with the request of Allison and kisses her passionately. But Allison, at the time expires, dying in the arms of Robert. After a couple of minutes to make it eternal ROBERT, with a deep reflection on your part. Has already decided what they will do and left her sobbing, returning to the calm that has always characterized it.ROBERTThis is the second woman I ever loved and I could not enjoy it and live with the first. But now, much less think there will be a third. I've lived long enough and I know that I will ever love again.Nothing binds me to this life and so I immerse myself in the eternal dream to be reunited with Allison, a dream that I should have come earlier.ROBERT placed his gun to his head and heard a gunshot. Thus, the two, Robert and Allison, travel together into the afterlife, having confessed their love to each other. No one can separate them because they will remain partners, companions for all eternity.Fade to Black Closing.End Credits.

Indent literary: Straws the experiments of Doctor Pajuelo.

Fade to Black Opening.
Black text on: "The experiments of Dr. Strang."
Two parents, Pedro and Manuela, and a son, Albert, standing before the window of "income" of the hospital, waiting for a young couple finished talking with the nurse who acts as Administrative Assistant. Finally, after ten long minutes of waiting, the nurse returns to be free for a while. So, is the father, Pedro, who took the floor.
Hello. Good morning. We were to enter this kid so they can make a resonance. Apparently, when he came to the consultation last week, the Doctor, Dr Strang said he had a very strong sciatica. He also said that being informed was admitted to the fourth floor, which is the Trauma.

Okay, fine. Make me a favor, can wait in the waiting room, please.
Yes, I agree, but where is?
At bottom right, the first door.
Okay, thanks.

PEDRO ALBERTO MANUELA and enter the waiting room. PEDRO begins pacing nervously throughout the entire room, while stirring MANUELA not for her fan because of the intense heat given off radiators, and ALBERTO reading a film magazine.
Fade to Black Chained.
Black text on "Half an hour later ..."
Parents and son continue to perform the same actions described above.
Fade to Black Chained.
Black text on: "An hour and a half later ..."
Parents and son continue to perform the same actions described above.
Fade to Black Chained.
Black text on: "Two hours later ..."

Parents and son continue to perform the same actions described above, but with the news that a guard enters the room asking ALBERTO.
"Alberto García Bellido?
Yes, I am!
Please join me. Assigned a room on the seventh floor.
PEDRO(Indignant)How in the seventh floor! If my child should go to the fourth floor, which is the Trauma!
Celador(Council)Yes, I know. Sorry, but I have to inform you that the fourth floor is packed. And the staff nurses income have informed me that only I can bring to the seventh floor.
The four leave the waiting room. For its part, can not help but sulk PEDRO.
Fade to Black Closing.
Fade to Black Opening.
ALBERTO, PEDRO AND MANUELA, in the footsteps of Celador, leave the elevator on the seventh floor and are directed by a corridor to room 714.
CeladorWell, here we are. Room 714, bed number two.Alberto, and you can change. There, in that chair, you pajamas and bathrobe. Come, see you later.
A Portuguese family, consisting of the Father, which is the one occupying the bed entered a number, mother, two sons and a daughter, greet newcomers.
PORTUGUESE FAMILY(In unison)Good morning!
PEDRO, AND ALBERTO MANUELA(In unison)Good morning!
ALBERTO goes to the couch where are the clothes from the hospital and change. Moments later, a doctor looks around the room.
Hello. Good morning. A watch, Are you Don Manoel de Oliveira?
CHILD UNDER OLIVE MANOEL(Eager)Yes, that's my father! What! Did you come to tell us that take you into surgery.
MEDICAL(Sorry)Well not exactly. I feel sorry for you, for any inconvenience we have caused them, but the anesthetist must be present in the operation could not come. It seems that he has become ill and no one can replace him. Will have to come back next week so we can operate.
MINOR Manoel de Oliveira(Very annoying)But they can not do this to us! We have come from the border only for the operation! This is outrageous! We have come over a hundred miles and now we do this!
MEDICALThe'm sorry, really, but there is no alternative.
The DOCTOR disappears from the doorway, while members of the FAMILY Manoel de Oliveira began to make overt gestures of outrage and anger, until the youngest child can do no more and explodes.
MINOR Manoel de Oliveira(Very angry)This is embarrassing! Right now I Patient Care to make a complaint!
Eldest son of Manoel de OliveiraBut what you say! Go, Stop wasting time! That will not serve for nothing! Doctors complaints will go in one ear and out the other. Also, do not want anything to do that, just a further complaint.
MINOR Manoel de Oliveira
Yes! Is that what you think, brother? Well, look, a complaint is piled with more than many others that will. Let's see if they realize a damn time that these ways and these ways can not treat patients! Shit! It is unforgivable! Sounds like a joke! How is it possible that if an anesthesiologist gets bad, do not have another to replace it! It is the joke!
The youngest son of Manoel de Oliveira leaves the room, while Peter does not leave himself with amazement.
PEDRO(Amazed)But this is incredible! How can you be so healthcare in this country! This is to piss and take no drop!
Fade to Black Closing.
Fade to Black Opening.
Black text on: "The next day ..."
The bed number one in the room 714 has already been freed. However, the family formed by PEDRO ALBERTO MANUELA and not take to detect the inconveniences of traveling to that disorganized Clinic: The relentless and continuous noise caused by machines that are next and have been designed to work is to build a new modern hospital, the noise ranges from works that are being practiced in two rooms next to the 714 as well as the intense heat radiating from the room radiators which are placed at maximum power andto finish a bathroom that resembles a tiny, smelly toilet, and is in clear dissonance with respect to the large space that has both the room itself, as the terrace. For its part, ALBERTO, can not fail to regret, but with irony.
Praise God! This is worse than being in a mental hospital!
Hello, good morning. Get ready, soon you'll have a new partner.
Fade to Black Chained.
Black text on "Half an hour later ..."
Re-enter guard in the room pushing the bed number one, which is lying a man in his seventies.He is accompanied by his family, which consists of his wife, three sons and two daughters in law.Moments later, the caretaker leaves the room and enter a DOCTOR. The youngest son of the patient, hereinafter NANO, which is the one most nervous is that questions the DOCTOR.
Doctor, How serious is what happens to my father?

MEDICAL(With desire reassuring)Quiet, quiet. You do not be alarmed. It is only a typical pneumonia. Being here a few days under supervision, no doubt that will happen.
WIFE OF NANO(Nervous)It has been vomiting all night!
I repeat, do not have to worry about. Is under control.
Fade to Black Chained.
Black text on: "A few hours later ..."
That same afternoon, the room filled with family and friends and ALBERTO NANO, exhausted, decides to leave and head toward the elevator room on the seventh floor.
Fade to Black end.
Fade to Black Opening.
Black text on: "The next day ..."
Room 714 of the Ambulatory again be filled with people. Meanwhile, the television is broadcasting the news that the swine flu virus, also known as influenza "A", from Mexico, is coming to Spain. For its part, ALBERTO, visibly overwhelmed. As the previous day by the incessant number of visits NANO, decides to walk out into the hall.
Finally, days later, specifically on Saturday, are discharged to a NANO recovered, saying goodbye to Alberto.
Well, bye, boy! That will be light!
Goodbye! What it does well!
Fade to Black Closing.
Fade to Black Opening.
Black text on: "The next day ..."
A man from Béjar access to the corridor side looking confused, but eventually comes to the room 714.
Well, kid, I leave you with your new partner.
JOAQUIN BEJARANO(Excited)What is it, boy! Wow, how young you are! Surely you are of those coming out party all night! I'm from Béjar. This morning, before taking the "Serrana" I saw through the window of my apartment to a girl who had a trumpet over like a piano.
No, not really. Sorry to disappoint you but I long time ago that I am not of those. I was, I was, but not anymore.
Fade to Black Closing.
Fade to Black Opening.
Black text on: "One day later ..."
A day later, a Keeper enters the room with the intent to be ALBERTO you do an MRI.
A watch, Are you Alberto García Bellido, right?Well, I have to dress to take you to the ground floor so that you do an MRI.
ALBERTO(Surprised)But what was not at the Clinic where they were going to do me? I was told yesterday that would take me by ambulance to the Clinic!
KeeperWell is not. From what I have just been informed, a new apparatus for the realization of resonance here. But do not worry, if it's something, I'm as surprised as you, did not even know of its existence, like most of us at the Clinic.
The BEJARANO JOAQUIN, disgusted, try, by all means, ignore a nurse.
JOAQUIN BEJARANO(Supplicant)Nurse! Nurse! Miajina Give me a drink of water! I have a terrible resequina! And eat well, if it can be!I have a great sadness in my stomach!
Sorry, but the doctor told me that you will not be given to eat or drink. What to feed themselves and have the serum.
Fade to Black Closing.
Fade to Black Opening.
Black text on: "Four days later ..."
One morning, a doctor enters the room and ALBERTO, hoping that you could say that given two days leave to go home for two days for weekend in May, does not hesitate to ask.
Doctor, I can go home two days? You know that is the Bridge of May 1 and how I have been told that the results of the MRI I will not know anything until three days ...
I'm sorry, Albert, but you may be able to grant a permit. Here we have a treatment and you'd better stay here to keep you more control.
But I can not follow it at home and then re-enter? Is not it possible that I can book the bed?
MEDICAL(Sharp)No, that can not be. You have to stay here. It's the best. Sorry.
ALBERTO(Disappointed)Okay, okay. All right. I'll stay here. If there is no choice, playing solitaire, walking, reading and watching television.
So Long, and take care.
A trainee nurses were about to take ALBERTO bed stress and give the capsules for five in the afternoon.
Come on, give me your arm, I'm going to take the strain. What has been the operation?
Operation "? What operation? If I only have an MRI!
At that time, the nurse-trainee is given with the hand on his forehead.
Yikes! If it is true! But what a fool! Well, look, well you know your blood. Oh, I forgot! Here are the capsules!
ALBERTO stares capsules. There are two very similar, but discovers that one is not for him.
Sorry, but I think that this is not for me.
Let's see, see! Hala! It's true! Sorry. Is that I had not noticed.
NURSE IN PRACTICE goes to bed BEJARANO JOAQUIN to take the strain.
Sure, you've come to take the stress with Alberto because he is younger! But do not worry, girl, I see that natural. Hey, I have a nephew who I look to see, that was just left without a girlfriend. If you wish, you may present.
PRACTICE NURSE(Interested)What is your age?
Twenty-eight years.
Buffff! So it's very old! I would prefer one of my age!
Well, here is your present to Alberto.
If I'm older even than his nephew! How will interest me!
Well, it's the same. I do not give up. To me, you're my niece, okay, you agree?
NURSE(Smiling)Vale! From this moment I think his niece!
THE JOAQUIN BEJARANO close your eyes, but his nephew VALLADOLID hits a voice.
Hey, Joaquin! Wake up! Do not sleep!
Joeeer! Look, you schmo!
Minutes later, Joaquin BEJARANO closes his eyes and his nephew VALLADOLID wake again.
Joaquin! What you do not sleep I have said! I just do not make no fucking case! That if not then at night there is no Christian take hold!
But what a schmo who you are! Go and see if I bring a water miajina! What I have a resequina!
Okay, but you know, remember what you have said the nurses. Rinse only, uh, just to rinse.
What if, schmo! What does!
At that point, Manuel and Alberto start laughing.
Fade to Black Closing.
Fade to Black Opening.
Black text on: "Two days later ..."
Let's see, Alberto García Bellido?
Yes, I am.
Put on your coat and sit in this wheelchair, I'm going to go down so that you do an MRI.
ALBERTO(Very surprised)But if you asked me a day before yesterday.
Keeper(Surprised)Really! Well, I have ordered you to drop to the ground floor, the room resonances, and that's what I do.
ALBERTO sitting in wheelchairs and attendants and leave the room 714.
The Keeper, driving the wheelchair in the going ALBERTO, he reaches the room resonances.
Well, here I bring Alberto García Bellido.
ALBERTO NURSE looks up and down.
NURSE(Surprised)But if this kid and we did an MRI yesterday!
Well, here I have a leaflet signed by the Doctor urgently Pajuelo for Mind him an MRI.
Let's see, see! Let me look at it!
The Keeper extends NURSE DOCTOR midfielder STRAWS. The latter is looking, and then another wheel out a lot.
NURSE(Hallucinations)Well, well! But what a mess this is! If I have here another leaflet that commissioned by the ordinary procedure of Clinical!
Keeper(Eager)So what do I do? Do you back up your plant?
Yeah, right! See! We will not do an MRI the same patient twice! It would be absurd!
Fade to Black Closing.
Fade to Black Opening.
Black text on "Five days later ..."
MANUELA(Indignant)Well, what about the MRI? It said that in forty-eight hours would know the results!
For me a nurse told me that they have not yet arrived.
At that time, enters the room a nurse.
Alberto, just get your MRI results. Got a lumbar hernia. It's called Dr. Strang. Going up to see you.
Mother! It's about time, girl! And may I know why they took so many days?
Well it seems that after doing the MRI, was sent to the Clinic and a doctor has claimed here today.
Holy Virgin! What a mess! When we go from here!When you heal and you'll be good!
DOCTOR STRAWS(With laziness)Well, Albert, what do we do with you? I operate or not?
At that time, PEDRO involved.
Well, wait a minute, wait a minute. I've heard of some infiltrations ...
Ah, yes! The infiltration! It had to have started out there! Okay! We will make an infiltration! We'll put a shot just to have damaged vertebra! Be prepared for Tuesday or Wednesday!
Just after the talk, Dr. Strang quickly leaves the room and Peter begins to mumble.
PEDRO(Annoyed)Fuck the whore of gold! What is this Pajuelo dry!
JOAQUIN BEJARANO(Excited)Hey, kid! Telecinco Pon! To leave a modelazos-stopping! No! If I was about to go! The women and men, and vice versa! I aim to see if they called me!
Fade to Black Closing.
Fade to Black Opening.
Are the twelve o'clock. Apparently, in the seventh floor of the Outpatient is a deathly silence, but that calm is going to be broken in the space of two hours, two incidents in two of its rooms. The first occurs when the occupants of the room next to 714, ie 712, begin to launch a tirade against a nurse who has refused to supply one patient a capsule somnifera. Above, those occupants of the room turn out to be a gypsy family.
PATRIARCH(Vociferous)Oh, damn paya! You are a clown! A fucking clown!Look, my wife not to give the dish yesterday!
A moment later, the Patriarch, very angry, hit the door. Then calm returns to reign. However, a couple of hours later, the BEJARANO JOAQUIN that awakens his nephew Valladolid, and ALBERTO PEDRO.
JOAQUIN BEJARANO(Delirious)If I'm right! I'm fine! What I want is to go home! It's just what I want!
A nurse enters the room and turns on the light.
But what are you doing, man! Shut up and sleep!He sees that if he keeps shouting will wake up the whole plant!
No, no! But you do not see you! I'm fine! It does not hurt anything! I dress and I can get out of here! I left home a damn time!
The nurse, feeling powerless to quell the BEJARANO Joaquin, pulls from his pocket a capsule, a sleeping pill, and puts in the mouth to the suffering patient.
Hale! Open your mouth and swallow it! So great!
The BEJARANO JOAQUIN quickly falls asleep and his nephew Valladolid, ALBERTO PEDRO and try to catch up on sleep.
Fade to Black Closing.
Fade to Black Opening.
Black text on: "Two days later ..."
Hi, Alberto. Well, get ready for tomorrow. He told me that Dr. Strang tomorrow will be the day that the infiltration practice. Know that from midnight tonight you have to be fasting. And that means you should not eat or drink anything. Do you understand?
Yeah, yeah, okay.
Fade to Black Closing.
Fade to Black Opening.
Black text on: "The next day ..."
Good morning, Alberto. Go quickly to shower and put on this gown, lest that immediately come to get you to take the operating room.
ALBERTO, still tired at night that has given the BEJARANO Joaquin and the awakening sooner than has been the nurse in charge of the thermometer, which has woken at half past six, he removes his bleary eyes, puts on robe and leaves the room to address the Board of showers.
Fade to Black Chained.
Black text on "Five hours later ..."
ALBERTO MANUELA and are in the room waiting patiently for a guard to take you to his bed and him to the operating room, while Peter, meanwhile, lost his composure and nerves, and in the hallway, at the counter of the nurses, begins to scream in disgust. The voices are heard around the seventh floor, and there are several bedroom doors that open, asking tenants for the cause and reason that has led this man to cause such uproar.
But we'll see! What the hell happens to my son!They said this morning that infiltration would do!And this morning already happened and not have made it! And this afternoon and will arrive as well!And come morning and ditto!
Lord, do you the favor of abating. For my part, I can not do anything else. I've called Dr. Strang and told me that going up to explain the reasons for the delay. Please be patient!
Fade to Black-chained.
Black text on: "An hour later ..."
Come on, sir. Join me in the room. I explain to the three what is happening.
STRAWS AND PETER DOCTOR entering the room, where they are waiting MANUELA AND AL, and begrudge the impatience.
I'm sorry to say that we can not practice infiltration.Just today has entered many people suffering from swine flu and our operating rooms are overwhelmed.
ALBERTO(Desperate)What! No way! No way! I can not take any more here! I kill myself!
ALBERTO not think twice and get a running start jumping on the window, thinking that your glass will break into pieces and crushed him against the ground end of the work. But no, because the glass is to be unbreakable and bounces, falling on the floor.
But what they have tried! You nutter! Is that intended to commit suicide! Perhaps I did not know that the bedroom windows are unbreakable!There were several suicides for years and put unbreakable glass! We can not allow our clients to commit suicide before cure! It would be very bad for the reputation of the hospital!
ALBERTO, mentally exhausted by all the inexplicable and surreal situations that have been featured during his eighteen prison hospital, began to yell to release your anguish.
Noooo! Noooo! Please! I want out of here! I want out of here!
Fade to Black Closing.
Fade to Black Opening.
Black text on: "Two months later ..."
ALBERTO, stuffed into a shirt of force, opens a letter whose sender is none other than the ineffable Dr. Strang of Ambulatory "Virgen de la Vega de Salamanca.ALBERTO displays a letter and read it."Dear Patient:We are pleased to address you to inform you that, finally, let's possible to perform the required infiltration you tomorrow morning. If it please, check in at nine in the second floor of the hospital and wait to be treated in the operating room.Sincerely yours.Signed: Dr. Strang. "
ALBERTO(Himself and safely)Yes, it is going to present his mother, because what I do, I introduce myself. I'd rather still be crazy to go to the hospital maddening to me to heal the leg, because surely even they know if they give you time to make me happy or not infiltration.
At that very moment, just after reading the letter of summons to epidural practice in the room ALBERTO your cell phone rings. It, picks it up in a swift and fast, with the reasonable hope that whoever is going to become your partner to get him to forget all the hardships and bizarre situations he suffered in the Clinic, for the mere appearance of the letter, helped rekindle .
Yes! Say! Who is it?
From the other side of the line, a delicate female voice answered ALBERTO.
Hello! Good afternoon! Are you Alberto García Bellido, no?
Yes, indeed.
Vera, I'm calling from the Hospital of the Holy Trinity. It gives him an MRI.
ALBERTO(Surprised)Other? But when I entered the Clinic two months ago, I made one!
Ah, well! If you already have made, we apologize for the inconvenience. Goodbye!
Goodbye! Goodbye!
ALBERTO, which has already begun to hear, on your mobile phone, the tones that reveal that the nurse has already hung up, press the end call button, and then breathe deeply. The silence that is, in his room and outside is grave. It seems that the fellow, after a day of lively; that included heated arguments and fights with nurses Psychiatric Center, have definitely calmed down, and await the arrival of the night, resulting dinner in the dining room and subsequent detention in their rooms .But this quiet is mere appearance. The phone call from another hospital, has led ALBERTO rewind in your thoughts and, therefore, again recalling the days more ominous and tragicomic, bordering on the absurd, which suffered in the hospital. So indelible mad thoughts, ALBERTO starts screaming like a madman, as an enlightened, reflecting the outputs of your mouth expressions absolute disbelief and bewilderment.
But this is what it is! Oh, no! Another resonance that they wanted me! But this is what it is! They do that are dissonant! They have a mental dissonance stronger than mine! But this is what it is! But this is what it is!
ALBERTO the thunderous cries of crack and break the stillness of the environment. For its part, the other crazy, encouraged by the continued verbiage ALBERTO, also start to bawl, uttering unintelligible words and phrases. The alarm, as if it were to occur bombing begins to ring with power in the Psychiatric, working with inmates to raise the decibel level of the site to levels difficult to overcome. Durante, a moment, both the voices of prisoners and as the stop ALBERTO heard, with the clear indication that they have taken a break from incessant rant. Then, the voice CENTER MANAGER, is what takes over, giving instructions to his aides.
CENTER MANAGER(Vociferous)Quick! Is the patient in the room thirteen the cause of all this commotion! Alberto Bellido! Take him to the services and give a cold shower! That would appease! If not, we will use most expeditious methods!
The proximity of the listening ALBERTO footsteps down the hall is growing. ALBERTO But, far from intimidated, feel revived again and excited to continue screaming, like their peers. And again, it re-air questions, answered after himself.
But this is what it is! So what's going to be! As another MRI and more! Another dissonance that seek me in the brain! But this is what it is! But this is what it is!
ALBERTO stretches the long sleeves of his straightjacket, and starts moving in circles around the room, like a wheel until it finally stops to see that the door opens.
Fade to Black Closing.
End Credits.

Literary screenplay: The tomb of Sarah.

Fade to Black Opening.
Black text on "THE TOMB OF SARAH."
PETER GRANT, Director of Catering and Decorating Company of Churches, has just arrived Hagarstone, a village located in the middle of the English countryside, particularly west of the country. Getting off a coach that has led him there, his old friend Harry Stone, pastor of the town, and the foreman SOMMERS, presented him with a warm and hearty welcome.
Welcome to Hagarstone, Harry! How was your trip? Look! I'll introduce you! This is Sommers, the foreman of the country better! Or at least that's what I think!
STONE HARRY FOREMAN SOMMERS and shake hands. Then, the first starts talking.
HARRY STONE(Indignant)It's been a long trip, Peter. I do not understand how our governments do nothing to improve communication with this part of the country, the truth! London is not that far!
PETER GRANT(Disappointed)Certainly, Harry, certainly. The politicians we have quite abandoned.
Anyway, Peter, let's what we care about, what do you want from me?
I need to direct the redevelopment of the choir and the chancel of my church, Harry. I'm sure my fellow Sommers and you are going to be a great team. I am knowledgeable of the effectiveness of your techniques, and in addition also the boys of this town will help, as they are willing to work.
HARRY STONE(Excited)Great! I'm looking forward to getting to work! It wasWhile no one was calling me to something!
Well, go inside the church, Harry. So you can see that this is a unique jewel.
PETER GRANT, HARRY STONE and enter the foreman SOMMERS Hagarstone church.
Well, you were right, Peter! The truth is that this church is one that has impressed me since I got into this!
Is the famous Countess of Kenyon. His family was of noble ancestry in the region, but became extinct extirpated centuries ago. Come on, I will show you his grave.
PETER GRANT, HARRY STONE SOMMERS foreman and head for the tomb of the Countess of KENYON.
HARRY STONEGo! How interesting, Peter! But we have to move the grave at least three meters to the south. I know it's a shame, but we must. If not, the work is not feasible.
At that time, the foreman SOMMERS, which until then had not spoken, broke his silence.
FOREMAN SOMMERS(Terrified)No! No way! I refuse! We can not move the grave of your site! If we do, that witch will kill us all!
PETER GRANT(Incredulous)But, boy! That no more than superstition! It's cheap trickery! Stories for children who do not sleep at night!
HARRY STONE(Restless)What! Peter! It is true what this man from a witch!
Nonsense, Harry! It is said by the people that the Countess was a witch and took the form of a female wolf. Then set out to capture children and small animals, taking them to his castle to suck blood. Well, yes it may be true. But the fallacy is not true that nobody could kill her, it was strangled by a crazed farmer who had lost their two children.Believe me, Harry, we must not give the slightest credence to these stories. We will move the grave, period. Understood, Sommers!
Yes, Lord Vicar, but if something goes wrong, then I throw my fault that they had not warned.
HARRY STONE looked up, directing his gaze to the top of the tomb, which was crowned by a magnificent marble figure, corresponding to a beautiful young woman, but provided with a defiant look.The pastor of the town of Hagarstone, PETER GRANT, remained rigid, unchanging, but the same happened with STONE and HARRY FOREMAN SOMMERS, who could not avoid getting to shake from head to toe, to the disturbing and disquietingview of the Statue of Condesa SARAH.
Fade to Black Closing.
Fade to Black Opening.
Black text on: "The next day ..."
Thanks to a system of ropes and pulleys, and with the invaluable collaboration of a half dozen WORKERS, HARRY STONE, PETER GRANT and the foreman SOMMERS, lifted the sheet covering the tomb. However, none of them was sufficiently prepared to receive the pestilent breath of stale and moldy, who escaped from the tomb. A dense fog seized the temple and once deposited the plate on the floor, all corroded by a morbid curiosity, came to see inside the tomb. And all are stunned, horrified, looking at a skeleton adorned with clothes wrinkled and shrunken, with a rope loosely around the neck. It was at that moment, when everyone could verify it was true the legend that circulated about his death. But the horror of those who had dared to uncover the tomb grew to unbearable limits, when there was the sudden transformation of that inert body. Coated meat and bones of the deceased aristocrat eyes opened wide, as if it had always been alive. Frightened, they all present, including the skeptical priest, looked at each other, and only that fact was enough for workers to return to lift the iron pulleys and is re-deposited on the grave.
Fade to Black Chained.
Black text on: "Several days later ..."
The workers in charge of enlargement of the parish of Hagarstone, continued working for several days under the watchful eye of Pastor. The fog, as it had arisen, disappeared the first day. At one point, PETER GRANT smirked.
They need not worry, folks! In this village we have been victims of mass hysteria. We should not fear because the Countess is dead! I'm sure that if tomorrow we returned to open the tomb, find the same bag of bones that leads into the tomb Centuries. Now I want to come with me. I invite you to sleep in the vestry. It was our first work. It will be important for coexistence. I will not accept no for an answer.
Fade to Black Chained.
Black text on: "At six in the morning ..."
That night, HARRY STONE was unable to sleep.Every so often, at that unseasonable cold morning, despite being in a cozy room, he awoke, he was the victim of intense and persistent nightmares.Visibly restless, decided to leave the sacristy, but when they accessed the main part of this massive temple, the heart and blood flowing through it, he froze. A big dog, from the place where was located the tomb of the Countess Sarah, was traveling at that time, the exit of the Church.HARRY STONE, terrified, and her body subjected to continuous shaking, crouched to avoid that big dog could see and pounce on it. However, HARRY STONE could not stop his teeth chattering violently a few times. The DOG, who had come to the door of the church, turned toward the sacristy, into which was HARRY STONE, and showed his sharp teeth, ready to tear everything that is put forward.In a reflex, HARRY he lay down flat on the floor, dead of cold and fear. At least, as a comfort, could be concluded that this beast had not noticed him.Later he made a valiant effort to look ahead, and that is how he could discern, perplexed, the dog, who jumped on the door it was open, and vaporized as a ghost.
Fade to Black Chained.
Black text on: "Several hours later ..."
HARRY STONE returned to the room where he had spent the night and barely slept a couple of hours, because the PETER GRANT woke him up to start a new workday.
PETER GRANT(Jokingly)Hey, Harry! What's wrong! That you have pasted the sheets! Vamos! You do not say! I've never been so lazy today!
HARRY STONE opened his eyes, stretched, and then sat down, resting his back against the wall.
HARRY STONE(Annoyed)Go! What time is it, Peter? I'm knackered! I hardly sleep last night!
PETER GRANT continued to show his joking tone.
And what was the cause of your sleepless nights, if I may ask? Is there not been the morbid beauty of the Countess what has influenced you?
In that instant, HARRY STONE came to mind the terrifying vision he had witnessed that night, with the big dog that seemed to have arisen from the very tomb of the Countess SARAH. Then stays pale, and those circumstances were soon enhanced by the clever priest.
But Harry, what's wrong? You have been white as a sheet! As if you had seen a ghost!
The dog! That's it! Tonight I saw a huge dog emerge from the tomb of Countess Sarah! It was as if she had transformed! And then he has thrown against the front door! And it's gone! As if open!
PETER GRANT grimaced in disgust when he heard his friend HARRY STONE.
Vamos! Come on, Harry! You sound like you are raving! Now it will be your mental state is worse than that of those superstitious locals! I've woken up before you. And all I have said that they have slept great! Even the foreman Sommers scary! But since you're so upset, I will tell you that we will now inspect the tomb of the Countess. I'm sure she will made a pile of bones, sleeping the sleep of the righteous.
Fade to Black Chained
Black text on "Later ..."
With everyone involved in the work present in the central part of the Church, and an order of the foreman SOMMERS, workers lifted the pulley, and back to lift the iron from the grave. Then, once the iron deposited next to the grave, all went to it.The COUNTESS SARAH, away from the skeleton represented as the pastor PETER GRANT thought that there was, he looked terribly alive and fresh.Her beauty was evident through a sinuous body and curvy. The lips were stained red eyes healthy and had become worrying, watching the audience intently. In the corner of his mouth, appeared a dark mousse, dry. It was blood. The foreman was quick to react SOMMERS, showing a huge horror and making the sign of the cross, crossing himself.
God! May the Lord deliver us from this witch! We awakened to the curse! Now she will not rest until we are dead! Come on, folks! Let's get out of this accursed place! The more distant we are from here, the more options we have to save our lives.
The foreman SOMMERS, followed by workers diligently went to the front door of the Church. For its part, the pastor PETER GRANT tried to persuade them to not leave the temple, but their efforts were in vain.
PETER GRANT(Very upset)But what they do! They can not leave the church without restoring! It is the house of the Lord and he will punish you for it! Nothing evil can happen!
The foreman SOMMERS, ignoring PETER GRANT, opened the front door of the church and passed on, followed by workers.
You see, Peter! I have not lied! That witch has returned from the world of the dead! But do not worry, I will not abandon you. I know what to do in these cases. Of course, you have to obey my instructions, right?
For the first time, and without a precedent, the incredulous pastor Peter Grant showed signs of believing that the sinister Countess Sarah had returned from the dead to feed on the living.
Okay! Sea! I must admit that this is unusual! And even that evil forces are present in this sacred place, but we are the representatives of good and God is on our side. I doubt that will defeat evil.
Chained fade to black.
Black text on: "Several hours later, into the sunset ..."
The church clock rang at ten in the evening.GRANT PETER STONE HARRY and placed behind the pulpit, kneeling, waiting for the vamp, the COUNTESS SARAH, made its appearance.During the hours before the pastor had given to Harry all that he had asked: A couple of sharp knives, a stick, fresh garlic and wild roses. These were the elements at their disposal in order to immobilize and eliminate the COUNTESS SARAH. At that time, a dense, yet light fog, took over the Church. Nothing else notice this circumstance, the two that were well hidden, joined slightly, and looked to where the grave was located. The plate of the tomb was opened and the imposing figure of the Countess Sarah got up and left the grave, heading for the exit of the temple.When he reached the door, what happened again HARRY STONE had witnessed the huge DOG last night, and the COUNTESS SARAH, like a ghost, had no problems getting through the gate and disappear. So yes, HARRY STONE PETER GRANT felt like he was really scared, then grabbed his arm strength and religious body trembled as if about to explode. Harry looked at it.He was cross themselves, and then raised his hands to heaven in prayer.
My God, Harry! Did you see that? What next?
HARRY STONEWe must wait, Peter. Wait until the Countess back again and enter the tomb, then when we are certain that is lying, he plunged the stake into the heart. But we must try to stay awake. You may not return to the church until shortly before dawn.
Fade to Black Chained.
Black text on "Eight hours later ..."
At about six o'clock, HARRY STONE noticed some minor and almost imperceptible steps from the central aisle of the church. His body had become numb from the cold, and had to repeatedly stretch the hands and feet so that they come into heat. For its part, the pastor PETER GRANT had fallen asleep, and Harry had to give him a hard elbow to wake up.The COUNTESS SARAH advanced, as if levitating, to the place where his grave was located. Although he was thin and gaunt, and the pallor of his face was deadly, his eyes shone like a pair of red hot coals, sticking out of the darkness of the Church. Her crimson lips were like a horrible pit produced between withered cheeks. During the early hours of the night, HARRY STONE had left his hiding place to hasten to draw a circle of flowers around the grave, adding also within several heads of garlic. Also, he made another circle on the pulpit, which was large enough for the pastor and he could be placed inside, and deposited in it the necessary tools to carry out the execution of the COUNTESS SARAH, ie, knives and stake. The first rays of sunshine, which showed that it was dawn, filtered from the windows of the Church. The COUNTESS SARAH, visibly upset, had to cover his face and instinctively, added the step to reach the tomb as soon as possible. Flowed from his mouth several drops of blood were scattered down the aisle. A spasm of hatred and diabolical rage crossed his face when he ran into the circle of flowers and garlic. Then, he fixed his eyes on the pulpit and saw his two enemies. GRANT PETER STONE HARRY and emerged from hiding and fighting your fears, moved toward the circle at the stone pavement next to the grave, penetrating inside. For major surprise of the two enemies of the COUNTESS SARAH, it took an unexpected smile loving but deeply demonic. Then a voice called both soft and smooth, inviting, as if weaving a kind of spell, which affected mainly the pastor.
Come to me, come. I will give you dreams and eternal peace. Peter Grant, since I've seen are fascinated by my beauty. I know you harbor a burning desire to possess irrepressible and that your God is with you ungrateful. Now, I know you're dying to have me on that ridiculous altar!
The pastor PETER GRANT, bewitched and seduced by the COUNTESS SARAH, tried to leave the circle, but his friend stopped him HARRY STONE. As a result, their reaction could not be more furious and contradictory. The countess had managed to abduct SARAH PETER GRANT.
PETER GRANT(Restless)Harry, let me go! I have to go! She is calling me! I have to go!
HARRY STONE(With loud and strong)Peter! You are a servant of God! You can not betray! On behalf of all that is sacred! I beg you to resist! You can do it! Do not be overcome by it!
PETER GRANT shuddered and began to remember who she was, hugging HARRY STONE visibly terrified.
PETER GRANT(Confused)Where am I? Who am I?
Very frustrated to see that he had lost control of PETER GRANT, hate factions returned to the COUNTESS SARAH. STONE HARRY with his right hand grabbed the crucifix hanging around his neck and showed it to the frightened COUNTESS SARAH.
Retreat, hell creature! Retreat back to your wicked!Do not hurt anyone else in the world! Your end is near!
Arrgghh! Damn you, Harry Stone! Damn you forever!
The COUNTESS SARAH back, writhing in pain, crossed the circle of flowers, and entered the tomb. At that moment, the sun shone broadly the Church and both knew that the danger had passed.Then, HARRY STONE PETER GRANT and approached the tomb. There lay the COUNTESS SARAH, pinned to his apparent death, but whose features had been slowly relaxing.
And now, Peter Grant, Will you dare to join me in the final act of this mission and help me rid the world of this horror forever?
PETER GRANT(Excited and vehemently)By God! Sure! Tell me what I gotta do, Harry!
Please help me out of the grave! Fear not! You can not make us any harm!
Thus, with undisguised disgust, both proceeded to the task and tended to the COUNTESS SARAH on the stone pavement.
Lee now responsible for this miserable and so finally released from this living hell that is retained in the soil.
PETER GRANT(Respectfully)O our Lord! Let the soul of this servant of yours rest in peace! For the Ages of Ages! Amen!
Finished the prayer, HARRY STONE took the stake, and without a shadow of doubt, sank with all their might on the breast of the creature. And as if it were still alive and kicking writhed convulsively for a while, issuing a chilling screams that filled the whole Church. Then, to the relief of the two performers, they could see a happy smile was etched on the face of the corpse. The lips lost their reddish tone, the fangs shrank, and for a moment, and PETER STONE HARRY GRANT, watched the serene face of the beautiful COUNTESS SARAH.However, your body does it take to again become a dusty bag of bones.
Fade to Black Closing.
End Credits.